A hub for innovative storytelling.
We develop and produce films, series, and podcasts.
We are here to move the needle.
At the Helm…
Between us, Iana and Sheryl have 40+ years of film experience, which sounds crazy because we’re both so young.
From New York to Paris, Los Angeles to Prague, we’ve made more than 30 films as producer and as writer-director.
Our films have played festivals from Cannes to Kerry, Berlin to Toronto. We are prolific storytellers and passionate cinephiles.
Who’d have dreamed that two girls growing up in Sofia, Bulgaria and Little Rock, Arkansas would someday be building a media production hub in Denver, Colorado?!
Here we are now - Gen X women in the house. Entertain us.
What’s on deck...
Welcome to the Fishbowl, a screwball road comedy.
Coming in 2024!
How do complex female characters navigate our intricate cultural moment? What is that quintessential narrative that has eluded all of us for so long? Whatever it is, it is worth telling!
Welcome to the Fishbowl is about a Gen X woman striving for agency, clashing with a man in his 60s, who isn’t ready to walk off into the sunset yet. It’s a game of contrasts in which the players have nothing in common except for one thing: being blind to what’s holding them back.
A spin on that very classic Hollywood genre, so as to say, let’s get back and revise that copy!
This is what screwball comedy does best—it brings the deep currents to the surface and watches the water unrest and bubble in amusement. Whatever it is, it is worth watching!
What’s in a name...
By and Large is a sailing term, coined by one Samuel Sturmy in the venerable Mariners Magazine of 1669.
Referring to a ship that can sail both into the wind and with the wind, it’s nimble and versatile. It holds the power of two formidable forces—the wind and the waves—at the tip of its sails.
With its sights set on the horizon, a vessel that sails by and large can reach its destination, no matter which way the wind blows.
Jump on board!
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